Il 9 Maggio si celebra l' "Europe Day "
L'unione Europea invita, per l'occasione, ad organizzare eventi quali picnic, passeggiate, quizzes, con a tema l'Europa, incoraggiando anche a cucinare piatti tipici della propria nazione.
Se i connazionali residenti nel centro - nord dell'Inghilterra dovessero organizzare un evento per l'Europa, ci inviino le foto e le pubblicheremo sul nostro sito.
Nel frattempo, buon Europe Day a tutti!
Di seguito gli eventi già organizzati nel Regno Unito.
Celebration with quizzes by Latin American House in London on 4 May
Europe Day picnics by the3million (social media posts to share: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter) in partnership with other organisations:
Birmingham: 8 May, 2pm, Cannon Hill Park (in partnership with EU in Brum)
Bristol: 5 May, 5:30pm, Queen Square
London: 8 May, 2pm, St James' Park Cafe (in partnership with Settled and Coalición de españoles and CRE del Sur UK)
Glasgow: 8 May, 1pm, Kelvingrove Park
Europe Day picnic by King’s College European Society in London on 9 May
Europe Day picnic by Edinburgh University European Union Society in Edinburgh on 9 May
A stand to discuss EU affairs at the University of Bath European Affairs Society (in front of the Bath library) in Bath, on 9 May
Europe Day Tea Party by The Romanian and Eastern European Hub in Wembley on 9 May
Discussion "The EU Promotion of Democracy through Its Enlargement, Neighbourhood and Foreign Policies”, followed by a film screening by the European Affairs Society in University of Westminster in London on 9 May
European citizens & Scotland – a conference by Citizens Rights Project in Edinburgh on 9 May
Fair by Romanian Society East Midlands in Nottingham on 9 May
EU Researchers in the UK: Challenges, Opportunities, and the role of Scientific Associations in Newcastle on 10 May
Film screening by Centrala in Birmingham on 10 May
Julian Priestley Memorial Lecture by the European Parliament in London on 11 May
Panel discussion “Eurovision as a tool of Diplomacy” in Liverpool on 11 May
Short Film Festival in London on 12 May
A workshop on immigration routes to the UK by Indoamerican Refugee & Migrant Organisation in London on 12 May
Polish Heritage Day celebration with a picnic, dancing and sport in Glasgow on 13 May
A fair by My Romania Community in Roundwood Park, London on 13 May
Polish Heritage Day celebration with live music in Bedford on 14 May
A branded photo booth at Eurovision Liverpool, including film screenings, heritage walks and others in Liverpool on 1-14 May
Traditional musical event by Spanish Welfare Fund in London on 15 May
Writers’ Festival by European Union National Institutes of Culture in London on 20 May
Europe’s Day Gathering with food, music and games in Kingston upon Hull on 21 May
An event by Supplementary School of Spanish Platero in Maidstone on 27 May
Networking event for youth organisations in Eisteddfod festival in Carmarthenshire on 31 May-1 June
Festa della Repubblica Italiana in Keighley, Leeds on 11 June 2023.
A fair and picnic for Central and Eastern European communities organised by Czech and Slovak Club in Birmingham on 17 June
Fun day for children from Czech and Slovak School in Oxford on 8 July