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Webinar: EU Settlement Scheme and joining family members

Updated: Aug 11, 2022

The Comites of London in collaboration with us and with the charity Settled organized a webinar dedicated to family reunification within the EU Settlement Scheme, with free participation.

The speakers were Cesare Ardito (Settled EUSS Legal Advisor and chairman of the communication commission of the Comites of Manchester), Veronica Bortolato (Settled EUSS legal advisor) and Manuela Travaglini (solicitor, consultant to the Embassy on Brexit and citizens' rights). The meeting was moderated by Elena Remigi (Comites London councilor).

The meeting started with an overview of the EUSS joining family members scheme, talking about who is entitled to obtain it, how to apply in the various cases, what evidence to attach to the application, and what to do in case of refusal. Ardito spoke of EEA citizens with a biometric document (or non-EEA with BRCs), and Bortolato focused instead on non-EEA citizens, or EEA citizens with paper documents. Subsequently, the lawyer Travaglini further investigated some particular aspects: applications for minor children, applications for durable partners (unmarried partners), and the evidence to be presented to prove dependence on one's sponsor for financial or health reasons.

After that, the speakers answered questions received by Comites in London via email in the previous weeks regarding various topics.

In real time, Cristina Tegolo (Settled Service coordinator and chair of the Brexit commission of the Comites of Manchester) offered useful information in written form and links to obtain more information.

Here you can download the slides used during the event in Italian or in English:

Below, you can watch the complete recording of the webinar. For questions relating to your personal situation regarding family reunification, please contact Settled directly. For any other questions, feel free to contact us!

‎Update ‎‎(July 24, 2022): Compared to what was stated during the webinar, Home Office confirmed that the guidelines for ‎durable partners‎ (couples that were not married nor in a civil union on December 31, 2020) can also apply to relationships that began after December 31, 2018, as long as they were already stable on December 31, 2020. ‎

‎Below you can find ‎‎Settled's press release on the subject:‎


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